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Question by  Jalaine11 (2043)

What can you tell me about peanut butter calcium supplements?


Answer by  Shoshanah (232)

Like any diet supplement pill, they are okay but not the best way to get the daily recommended supply of calcium. With eating a normal balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, taking the peanut butter calcium supplement is a great addition to your regular diet but it should not be taken instead of healthy food.


Answer by  rogera (788)

Peanut butter calcium supplements are ok, but the best way to get calcium is through a balance diet and good foods.Most supplements are a waste of money unless prescribed .


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

The main brand of these are pretty good as far as filling daily needs, but the taste can leave quite a bit to be desired; still, take them for your health.

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