

Question by  mastermanohar (21)

What can you tell me about a bleeding fatty tumor on a canine?


Answer by  BriggyGal (153)

This can be very serious and should be looked at by a vet as soon as you possibly can. The dog should be checked for cancer.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Whenever your dog has a wound you should consider taking it to the vet. If you don't know why the fatty tumor is bleeding, you should take your dog to the vet immediately to see what's wrong.


Answer by  sspugs (496)

As long as they are soft they should be no problem - unless they interfere with mobility. I would have the vet aspirated it just for peace of mind


Answer by  rogera (788)

Fatty tumors are common in canines, they may be benign or malignant.A bleeding fatty tumor may have been irritated by the dog,a vet is necessary for advice for treatment.


Answer by  kangaroodoyle (324)

If you suspect a tumor you need to consult a vet as soon as possible. The vet will perform a biopsy to determine if the tumor is cancerous.


Answer by  lizcro326 (201)

Fatty tumors can occur at ay time during a dogs life and are quite common. Because they can sometimes grow to enormous size, your dog might rub it against something or cut it causing the bleeding. In some cases, it's best for the dog to have the tumor removed. You should consult your vet immediately if accompanied by pus discharge.


Answer by  mike50 (53)

Often a fatty tumor that is not bothering the canine won't need to be treated. If the dog is biting it open or it's bleeding a vet may remove it.

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