

Question by  jeremy46 (325)

What can I do about gastritis and pancreatitis in dogs?


Answer by  sammiechi45 (37)

The best way to avoid gastritis and pancreatitis is to make sure your dog is eating a quality, low fat diet. Also, eliminate stressful situations. Veterinarians can treat both conditions, varying from at home care with medications, or in-hospital intravenous fluids and medications.


Answer by  Rajesh (329)

If your vet has diagnosed gstritis and pancreatitis then proper medication will be prescribed and diet will be mentioned. But I have heard of any animal survived with this problem. You have to be very careful and do not give earsay medicines follow the vet medicines.


Answer by  Amom (701)

If your dog is suffering from gastric pain then you need to take him to a vet. If your vet has diagnosed gastritis and pancreatitis then medication will be prescribed and a special diet. In the mean time a diet of rice and ground beef will help.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well basically take your dog to the vet and make sure he prescribes a medication for your dog. A medication is the only real solution.


Answer by  Sael (313)

The most important thing is dietary restriction - these dogs need a strict diet that they can handle. When the disease flares up it can be treated with medications.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

first be sure the dog has this problem.If it has,then start the treatment immediately.But I never heard of any animal survived from this problem.You have to be very careful and kind to the dog.Donot follow all the earsay medicines.Follow the medicines prescribed by vet.

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