

Question by  Monique (28)

What are the Piaget stages of cognitive development?


Answer by  JohnSmith92 (24)

Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a theory about the development of human intelligence first developed by Jean Piaget. It is also known as a developmental stage theory, but it actually is more about the nature of knowledge itself. Piaget's four stages are : Sensorimotor stage Preoperational stage Concrete operational stage Formal operational stage


Answer by  bettylou (69)

The first stage is The Sensorimotor Period which is approximately birth - two years. The childs cognitive system is limited to motor reflexes at birth which develops to more complicated relexes. Second, PreOperational Thought two - six or seven years. Third, Concrete Operations six/seven - eleven/twelve years. Fourth, Formal Operations eleven/twelve - adult.


Answer by  decomom (923)

There are four stages in Piaget's stages of cognitive development. The first is sensorimotor from birth to age 2. Next is preoperational from ages 2 to about 7. The third is concrete which runs from 7 to early adolescence. The final stage is formal operations which a child usually enters during adolescence.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

Piaget developed four stages in his development model: Sensorimotor, where the child learns about his environment. Preoperational, when a child develops language skills. Concrete, when a child learns more rational reasoning. And then Formal Operations when they learn deductive reasoning.

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