

Question by  Mayfleur1979 (6)

What are the dimensions of a volleyball net?


Answer by  Roland (65)

According to the rules and procedures set out by the International Federation of Volleyball, the net is one meters in width. It should also have a length of nine and a half to 10 meters. The net should be made up of square black mesh measuring 10 centimeters in diameter.


Answer by  falmc (62)

A volleyball net measures 32 feet long by 39 inches tall, make sure you have 30 feet on each side for the players. The net is set up 2. 24 meters off the ground for womens volleyball While it is 2. 43 meters off the ground for mens volleyball


Answer by  holycow06 (74)

The top of a women's net is 7'4 from the ground, a men's is 8 feet. A junior high girl's net should be set at 7 feet. It should be about 2 feet from the top of the net to the bottom of the net. On top of the net, on each side line, should be a 32 inch antennae.

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