

Question by  iamkaptaink (51)

What are some symptoms of an ear infection in dogs?


Answer by  lovebug2421 (189)

The dog may be constantly scratching his ear. He will probably be shaking his head constantly. You may also find the inside of the ear red and swollen.


Answer by  withluck (1745)

The most common symptoms of an ear infection is frequent scratching of the ears, sometimes to the point of bleeding. Also, dogs may shake their heads rapidly and frequently when bothered by ear infections. Ear infections are common for some dogs and are not something that is breed specific.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The first sign is smell. Your dog's ear may start smelling. Often times infections are caused by water getting into the ear and will give off a bad smell. Your dog may also itch because it hurts.

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