


Question by  ram123 (30)

What are some good liquid foods?

I'm not going to be able to chew after my dental surgery.


Answer by  Missy74 (262)

For liquid foods try the standbys of jello, ice cream, popsicles. Also try baby foods such as vanilla custard or fruits. Use your blender to make fruit and vegetable mixtures in liquid form. Soups are always good as are fruit and vegetable juices. Add some flavor to coffee and tea by adding lemon, lime or honey.


Answer by  jill46 (100)

If you aren't going to be able to chew, then the first thing I would recommend getting is something like Ensure. This will provide you with all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need. If you want some foods that taste good, you can either get jello/pudding, or you can blend your meals yourself

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