

Question by  Kevin007 (19)

What are "female led marriages"?


Answer by  elliecorona18 (15)

Female led marriages are when the woman in the marriage are head of the household. Most marriages come to agree on this decision on the woman becoming the head of the househodld


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

These are marriages in which the female partner takes the dominant role in the relationship. In simpler terms, while the man express an opinion it's her word that is final. These are generally agreed upon unions with both partners actively setting the rules and limits, as opposed to a resentful 'cuckolded' man.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Female led marriages are partnerships where the wife is the head of the household and the husband is her helper. The Queen of the Home idea of a Jewish kosher family is a lot like this, allowing the better skilled partner to steer is an option that more and more people are considering.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

Female led marriages are ones in which the female in in charge of the household and makes all of the household decesiosn.

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