what is


Question by  dpauleyii (843)

What are "Draconian measures"?

What do they have to do with the economy?


Answer by  Philip58 (63)

Draconian measures are unusually harsh or severe means used to achieve a stated goal or objective. The use of the term draconian typically is pejorative and used to indicate that the commenter feels the measures impose too high a cost relative to their benefits. In economic terms it commonly refers to deep cuts in services to balance a budget.


Answer by  canadabee (932)

Draconian measures are those in which serious sacrifice are made for long-term benefit. When an economy is in really bad shape, governments hope to "grow out" of the problem. The reality, though, is often that austerity measures such as lower wages and benefits (examples of Draconian measures) are more effective.

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