


Question by  TamanduaGirl (77)

My honeysuckle leaves are yellowing with spots. How can I stop this?


Answer by  desrtfox (23)

This is probably caused by a lack of Fertilizer or water, depending on your geographical location. It may also be possible that the plant is receiving too much sun, or, if it's a hot summer, the heat could cause the leaves to wilt in the manner that you are suggesting.


Answer by  Anonymous

If the spots are grey, it might be a powdery mildew (google rhs org uk for honeysuckle problems) Keep young plants well watered during summer, and add mulch to mature plants annually. If you do this, your leaves should be better next year!


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

First of all, check leaves for insects or fungus problem. If spots turn into holes, fungus is the culprit. Certain times of the year when plants receive less sun, yellowing leaves naturally occur. Remove affected areas, keep leaves raked up from around plant, and use insecticides or fungicide sprays to eliminate these problems.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Those spots usually mean one of three things the plant is either getting too much water not enough water or to much sun You can also do a net search and that will give you more hints and tips.

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