
 books  value


Question by  cindy13 (2)

Is there website/library that lists rare or limited edition books of 1800s and early 1900s or the authors of that time?


Answer by  Olive (1195)

Google books is a great resource for this and you'll often find books that have been scanned in that you can download. Google books will also let you know where to find these books, whether in a library or from one of the online book sellers, such as or abebooks.


Answer by  malone (4817)

If you're looking for availability or info on value, check out the Advanced Book Exchange (ABE). There is no comprehensive site that lists all books published during that time as there were hundreds of thousands, many now insignificant. You can also search for authors of any period.


Answer by  Steph276 (5)

A website called Quill & Brush catalogs more than 10,000 rare and limited edition books, including those from the 1900s and 1800s.

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