

Question by  Kathie (19)

How should I start to potty train a 3 year old boy?


Answer by  mjjaegly (211)

For start with praising the child for any attempts at going to the bathroom on the potty. I always try to give small treats, candies like Skittles are great. You don't have to offer alot one for pee two for poop. It also helps if daddy is around to show him how to satnd and pee.


Answer by  jj49 (19)

Undoubtably you've read and/or heard from others that the vast majority of boys and/or girls for that matter will typically help you decide when they are ready. Most children will demonstrate that have decided to begin the process. Pay close attention for habits or vocalization during this time.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Get him a potty and plan to stay home with him one day. Make sure he has seen a man use the bathroom before. Give him plenty to drink and take him to the potty very frequently. reward successes with a small treat or sticker. Keep at this the whole day. Buy him big boy underwear.


Answer by  tyler13 (92)

When we started potty training our son we used a couple methods. We used a "potty chart" and everytime he used the potty he could put a sticker on his chart. We also put cheerios and matches in the toilet for him to "aim" at to try and make the process more fun.


Answer by  Anonymous

The reward system: put up a poster board with stickers for successes, let the child be a part of that, you can reward with candy and or outings to their favorite place "park" be consistent so they know how to be consistent too.

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