

Question by  Jane42 (201)

How long does it take for puppies to open their eyes?


Answer by  Xiara (7)

It takes something along a week or two weeks, it depends on the puppie. Please note that you must not push it to open it's eyes, this could cause damage to the eyes of your puppies. The first time they open them they'll look blueish, please don't worry about this, it's perfectly normal.


Answer by  Allie74 (105)

It usually takes a little over a week for their eyes to open, any sooner than that could potentially ruin their eyesight. It could take up to 9-10 days so be patient every puppy is different.


Answer by  darthjdavis (284)

It can take anywhere from seven days to two weeks for a puppy to open its eyes. More commonly, it takes about ten days.


Answer by  hollymountain (82)

It can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks for a puppy to open it's eyes. If there is drainage around the eyes, take a warm washcloth and wipe away any excess.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

If they are good and healthy usually between 2 and three weeks depending on the breed and how advanced they are. But their eyes won't all open at once they will open gradually.


Answer by  HeatherDykeman (36)

Puppies will open their eyes around 12 to 15 days after birth. They should be able to see clearly by 4 weeks old.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Puppies usually open their eyes between 7 and 14 days. This is just a general guide. Some puppies open their eyes a bit sooner and other open them a bit later.

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