car repairs


Question by  EcoCrafty (33)

How does an insurance company go about totaling a vehicle?


Answer by  glockinfora (32)

The vehicle is considered totaled when the estimated cost of repair at a certified repair shop they have approved is greater than the appraised value of the vehicle.


Answer by  kctaxlady (187)

An insurance company considers the cost of repairs to the vehicle and, if this cost is more than the cost of replacing the vehicle, it considers the vehicle to be totaled.


Answer by  Jennifer78 (56)

A car insurance company determines a car to be totaled if the damage done to your car in an accident or required repairs is greater than what the car is worth. So if you need $1500 but the car is worth $1000, they will only give you $1000.


Answer by  Wackonorm (164)

Insurance companies will consider a vehicle a total loss if the damages are more than 60% of the value of the vehicle or if it is unsafe to drive.

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