pet health


Question by  Hundchen (107)

How do you select a dog thermometer?


Answer by  wansac (21)

First, consult with your vet about the best type of thermometer for your dog breed; the vet's office may have some equipment like this for sale. Look for a durable thermometer with clear use instructions printed on the package. Make sure the thermometer size is appropriate for your breed.


Answer by  Lepi (314)

Because dog thermometers are rectal, look for a narrow one. The breed of dog is important, too- don't buy a giant thermometer for your chihuahua. You want something sturdy that won't break, so avoid very thin glass. If possible, a digital read out is great to have.


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

A digital retal thermometer that is made for humans is the best choice for a dog. Ear thermometers are tricky to get in the right place. Glass ones could break.


Answer by  Kfoltz (5)

I would select a dog thermometer based on accuracy. As in children a rectal thermometer is most accurate, but not the preferred method of taking one's temperature. Always remember dogs have a higher body temperature than humans. An average dog temperature is 99F-102F.


Answer by  eiryck (847)

Given that dogs are not like humans that when told not to move would comply for a duration, a dog thermometer should be a digital device and have the quality of faster and accurate body temperature reading. Moreover, its design should be friendly like having soft edges and tips.

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