health treatments


Question by  flexwheel (171)

How do you get rid of warts on your feet?

I get warts on my feet and no where else.


Answer by  dryuha (735)

There are many possible ways to remove the warts. One of the way will be to soak your feet within the salt water folowwed by scraping off the dry skin using the scrapers for example pumice bone or nail file. Others methods will be freeze it by medications.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

If they are on the soles of the feet they are probably verrucas and can be treated with special plasters which have a strong solvent on them. There are also gels which freeze the wart off. Sometimes it can take several treatments to remove them. If they are on top of feet or between toes then see a doctor.


Answer by  rnovikoffgmailcom (1722)

dr sholls has a product which is going to freeze the warts off. This is going to kill the deep root which is nourishing the wart. The wart will dry up and fall off after treatment.


Answer by  pinkyts (42)

You can have them frozen, use acid such as what's found in products like Compound W, or even at home treatments.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

if you frequently soak your feet in Epsom salts, that could be the culprit. It actually causes a nodule to grow on the skin which is frequently mistaken for warts.

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