

Question by  cgroverla (516)

How do you convert to RGB colors in Illustrator?


Answer by  SallyJ64 (3121)

You can change the color pallets by changing to a RGB pallet. You can also set the document to RGB as an option when you make a new file.


Answer by  beelady (334)

In Illustrator once you have a document open, go to the File menu, select Document Color Mode. From there select RGB Color.


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

You have to open your file in what's called color mode. Or better yet, Document color Mode. This way you can switch from CMYK to RGB. In some cases like Pantone colors you should be able to change colors of objects individually. Select that by using F6 on the color menu.


Answer by  gigo (1706)

To convert RGB colors to CMYK in Illustrator you have to check two things. Choose under document raster effect settings "CMYK". Choose under file document color mode "CMYK". If you have a PDF as source go to filter, color filter, choose CMYK for every page. With this methods the colors are transferred, not taken 1:1.


Answer by  gugacurado (32)

Go to the "File" item on menu, then select "Document color mode", so you switch it from CMYK to RGB. In some cases (such as Pantone colors), you should also change the objects individually: select the object and press F6, on Color menu, select RGB.

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