


Question by  worker4642 (18)

How do you convert pounds to grams?

I need to formula for example how many lbs makes one gram?


Answer by  eliendor (89)

A pound is equal to 453. 5924 grams. Based on this, a formula to convert "N" pounds to grams is: "G" grams = "N" pounds x 453. 5924


Answer by  Clement (1453)

One pound is equal to 453. 59237 grams, so to convert pounds to grams just multiply the number of pounds by 453. 6.


Answer by  esteban (1334)

One pound is equal to 453. 59237 grams. So, to convert from pounds to grams, multiply the number of pounds by 453. 59237. As a formula that is G = 453. 59237 *p.


Answer by  amswplusone (652)

One kilogram is 2. 204 pounds, so there are 1000 grams in 2. 204 pounds. If we divide 1000 grams by 2. 204 pounds we get that there are 453. 72 grams per pound. So multiply the number of pounds by 453. 72 and you'll know how many grams there are.

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