

Question by  Ellen48 (40)

How do I treat my dog for coccidiosis?


Answer by  TT (27)

First of all, you, the owner will not treat coccidiosis. If you suspect coccidiosis, you will have to take your dog to the veterinarian for a diagonosis. He or she will perform a fecal test and if positive, the drug of choice is usually Albon.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Typically a dog is treated for coccidiosis with medication. Your veterinarian will be able to prescribe the drug that is best for you dog depending on its age and weight. Treatment last 1-3 weeks. Practice good sanitation until your dog is better as coccidiosis will spread through your dogs feces.


Answer by  dingosan8 (407)

First you need to confirm this diagnosis. This is done by bringing a fecal sample to the veterinarian and tested once to several times over a few visits to confirm or deny the diagnosis. They will look for the eggs in the stool under a microscope. The drug of choice is Albon and this will be given only by the veterinarian.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Treat your dog with Albon, Bactrovet or tribrissen. A vet will perscribe it. Dogs can be treated in kennels but individual treatment is best.

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