


Question by  Jrm (34)

How do I propagate a Crimson King Maple tree?


Answer by  anitha (20)

the crimson king maple tree is a variety that is known for the green purple foliage it produces throughout summer season. it is propagated through seed collection in late summer and fall. the seed must be planted after collection and sowed outdoors in fall because they require a wintering period to germinate.


Answer by  mushey (71)

Take a 10 in cutting off the tree in late fall.Strip off any green growth and dip in rooting hormone.Place in a pot of good well watered soil.Leave in a cool dark place for the spring plant in well drained soil.New growth may take 32 to 6 months.


Answer by  worker5534 (518)

It is very easy to propagare a crimson king maple tree in your lovely garden. Cut a healthy twige in a maple tree. Dig three or four feet in your garden. place it in the dig. Pore some water in it. Put some natural mannure too. Allow it in the sunlight. Its grow well.


Answer by  georgekutty (173)

We can propagate a Crimson King Maple tree. If it is sutable climate only enough to give some water. This trees colour is different lights colour. Its fruites are very sweet. It also also need good climate. Then only it will grow soon. Also it give as shadow. It is very good to see this tree.

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