
 dogs  how to


Question by  Lbsurfer (17)

How do I know if my puppy is having seizures?


Answer by  lovelife (998)

If your puppy is having seizures it may fall to one side, it may defecate or urinate on itself and its eyes may roll up in its head. Most seizures only last about 30 seconds but the disorientation afterward can last up to an hour.


Answer by  worker2592 (117)

You will know if it has seizures if you catch it in the act, also drool will be in puddles in odd places around the house from the seizures.


Answer by  aussiegirl (711)

Seizures come in all different shapes. The most obvious being dropping to floor frothing at mouth, to the more suttle, going blank and just staring at the wall. I'd recommend discussing your concerns with your vet and possible diagnosis options.


Answer by  Isidro (624)

best way to know is if eyes are still and not moving that would indicate that they are having that problem. The best advice to give would be to take him or her to the vet and let them examine them for further study of why they would be having it.

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