

Question by  sumaya1 (97)

How do I care for a Spathiphyllum?


Answer by  TMyers (1084)

Spathiphyllum, or the Peace Lily, is a very beautiful plant but it requires quite a bit of attention. It needs medium to low light and careful watering. Too much or too little is very harmful. Removing the spent flowers is the hardest part. You have to cut the stem below the flower and when it dries, pull the stub off.


Answer by  worker8388 (994)

Add fertilizers carefully. Normally fertilizers will have salt and it will burn roots. Indirect sunlight is best for the plant. Do not add pesticides to the soil. Always keep the soil moist and allow drying between watering. If soil become wet all the time little worms may infest the plant.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Also called peach lily, they like warm temperatures and filtered light. Feed every 2-3 months, keep soil moist but let it dry some between waterings. Allow water to sit overnight.


Answer by  worker5534 (518)

Spathiphyllum leaves are very sensitive. One type of bacteria may cause bad effect to the spathiphyllm leaves and damage the veins of the leaves. Avoid this damage you can use bacterialcides.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Keep you Spathiphyllum in bright indirect sunlight. Water your plant just before it begins to wilt. Keep in mind as the plant gets older it will require less watering. It is also good to have your plant in the right size pot in good quality potting soil. Make sure the pot has drainage holes for excess water.

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