

Question by  aurynbearer (110)

How can I treat diarrhea in a pup?


Answer by  worker7369 (103)

Common treatments include withholding food for 24 hours, followed by 2-3 days of a bland chicken-and-rice diet. Pure canned pumpkin is also a common treatment -- the fiber helps regulate the bowels. For prevention, be sure that any changes in diet or food type occur gradually, phasing in new food over 2 to 3 days.


Answer by  worker8766 (60)

Liquids like Pedialite or Gatorade usually help with this a lot. It rehydrates the body and gives nutrients to the body. Give it a bowl every hour, or set aside a bowl and just fill up when it empties. It will take some time, but you will see progress. Most puppies like Fruit Punch Gatorade.


Answer by  patti (29325)

You need to find out immediately what is causing the diarrhea. Puppies dehydrate very quickly and can die. Diarrhea can be the result of illness, disease, parasites, dietary changes, stress, blockage and a host of other problems. Take him to the veterinarian ASAP.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Try feeding your dog a little bit of plain yogurt. Otherwise kaopectate is better. You can buy it at most pet stores. It's tan in color.


Answer by  worker5167 (63)

If the puppy was just changed to a new type of food, switching back may fix the problem. If not, see your veterinarian.


Answer by  aks (221)

If your pup's diarrhea is in its early stages, the puppy should be allowed to fast for twelve hours. If the diarrhea persists,he should be taken to the vet.

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