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Question by  Purrlharbor (42)

How can I order eggs that are over easy and then fried?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

The only way I know to order eggs over easy is to ask that they be fried over easy. There would be no point in having them over easy and then fried because the over easy part would have no affect on the egg except to possibly break the yolk and then it wouldn't be over easy.


Answer by  CoachKat (88)

Over easy eggs is a version of the fried egg. The egg is fried then turned over and only cooked to where the yolk is still liquid and the whites are soft. So, order your eggs over easy, you do not need to specify fried.


Answer by  PooBear (341)

Over easy eggs are already fried. They are fried on one side then flipped over and fried for a short amount of time on the other side. Don't think you can get over easy eggs if you fry them twice. They would be hard cooked.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Tell the waitress that you fried eggs over easy. Usually all eggs are fried, its just a matter of how you want them done. The only egg that is not fried is a boiled egg or a microwave egg. An over easy egg is soft and runny in the middle.


Answer by  bekkashay (98)

You can order them by asking for 'over runny' eggs or 'dippy eggs.' These are the terms used to describe these eggs because you may 'dip' your toast in eggs cooked like this. These are especially popular in Pennsylvania. Or you may just explain how you want them to your waitress.

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