
 diy  tv


Question by  snale (16)

How can I degauss a tv?


Answer by  Desine (427)

Check the back for a degaussing button. Otherwise, an electronics shop (like Radio Shack) can sell you a degausser. Worst case, it fades after time, so just use the TV normally.


Answer by  RCishollywood (190)

You have to have the rigt Tv type. Ask someone before buying a TV about it. You may also need and IO box.


Answer by  mrsmyers (474)

First of all, any newer tv will come with a degausser already built into it. Since you are asking you must have an older tv so I would assume you are better off getting a new one. You would have to buy a degausser so it may be easier to just get a new tv.


Answer by  LCA1553 (176)

A deguasser (a medium-sized, electric, metal ring) is waved like a wand over a TV's screen to improve the colors and image. They are sold via electronic web stores.


Answer by  rnovikoffgmailcom (1722)

Purchasing your own degaussing coil may not be worth the investment unless you have multiple Televisions that need degaussing. After all it is basically a glorified magnet.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

This is not a common feature on modern televisions. You will need to consult the manual to see just how to go about it for your particular tv.


Answer by  mansi (521)

1)Go to electronics shop and ask about a Degauss Coil, once you acquire it, wave it infront of screen. 2)Setup a computer monitor with a deguass feature infront of your T.V. screen and activate Deguass. 3)If the problem is reoccuring, consider finding a new Television

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