united states


Question by  Penny (2)

Does NC allow emancipation at 16?


Answer by  asanson (253)

You can be emancipated at the age of sixteen in North Carolina if you live there for six months. The person has to show that they can support themselves and need two signature from his parents to be able to live on their own. North Carolina is a good state for allowing this law.


Answer by  jennifergreennunez (35)

In NC you can be emancipated at 16 however you must be able to care for yourself and both parents must give signed consent.


Answer by  SandyGfox (120)

Yes, as long as the minor has lived in North Carolina for at least six months and is able to prove that he or she would be better able to take care of himself than his/her parents or legal guardians.


Answer by  nuttree (1596)

According to North Carolina Statutes, chapter 7B, a minor aged 16 or older can petition the court for emancipation. A judge considers the petition after hearing evidence from all parties involved, and decides on the basis of this evidence. The judge can consider the minor's ability to function as an adult, the quality of the family situation, and other factors.


Answer by  casualtext (8)

Yes, North Carolina allows emancipation at 16 so long as the youth has been living in the same county of NC for at least 6 months preceeding the emancipation filing.


Answer by  Kattie (598)

According to Chapter 7B, Subchapter 4, Article 35 for the state of North Carolina juveniles at who have lived in the state in question for six months or more may petition for emancipation from their parents if they are sixteen or older. The law was put on the books in 1979 for reference.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

Yes emancipation is allowed in NC at age 16. The minor has to live in North Carolina for 6 months and it is a legal matter. The minor must show just cause that they would be able to take better care of themselves on their own.


Answer by  jodyjohn7 (54)

At the age of sixteen a minor may petition the court in North Carolina for emancipation. The court will consider several factors to decide the appropriateness of emancipation. So, yes.


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

Yes,any juvenile 16 or older and has lived in North Carolina for 6 months can file a petition for emancipation.

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