


Question by  dank (114)

Do you have to be a certain weight to do volleyball?


Answer by  nelpal2 (12)

No, there is no set weight requirement to play volleyball. Men and women of all sizes are able to participate in the sport of volleyball because your weight does coincide with how well one can play.


Answer by  cdcane (8)

Volleyball can be played by anyone who is any size or any age. Of course at a more competitive level, it helps to be tall and slim


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Most volleyball players are tall and thin, because of the amount of running you have to do in the sport. There is no weight you "have" to be, but most are average or under weight compared to the normal person.


Answer by  bryan2700 (20)

Nobody has to be a certain set weight to play volleyball, it is an active sport for all sizes and ages. All one needs is the will to participate.

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