health conditions


Question by  cc87 (39)

Do low neutrophils have anything to do with MS?


Answer by  lovelife (998)

Neutrophils are the body's response to inflammation. Since Multiple Sclerosis is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, the two could be related.


Answer by  Anonymous

I was recently diagnosed with MS. I was born with a cyclic neutropenia and for that purpose I am on filgrastim cure. I seriously suspect that it makes my disease worse.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

It isn't the disease, its the treatment. Some of the drugs to treat MS suppress the immune system, of which the neutrophils are one component.


Answer by  taruun (163)

Yes White Blood Corpuscles (WBC) are the warriors in the blood stream against the antigens that invading our body. T cells or Leucocytes function the main role in immunity. Multiple Sclerosis is brain disease or auto immune disease. No remedies for the disease but may be slow down by medicine.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will have to ask your doctor about that question they would know. If it does cause that to happen

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