

Question by  Stevek863 (33)

Can you silence a rooster?


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

No they will crow all day and night no matter what you do with them the only thing you can hope for is his voice box to fall out. It is a very natural thing for them to crow and they will even do it out of boredom but you will know if they are unhealthy because they stop.


Answer by  Anonymous

Unless you want to pay the afformentioned surgery to remove the vocal box, yo have to endure crowing during the day, simply crate him at night so he wont disturb others sleep


Answer by  63tennessee (9)

You can put him in a cage and cover it up. A covered rooster thinks it is night and will stay quiet. The only way to make him stop is to take him to the vet and have his voice box removed. It is just their natural behavior. It's a territorial thing.


Answer by  June13 (14)

Yes you can silence a rooster. Invite your friends or relatives over for Sunday dinner and serve fried chicken with biscuits and gravy.


Answer by  James20 (91)

No, a rooster can't be silenced because they are vocalizing. Silencing them will cause them stress or even death.


Answer by  cpncrash (424)

Actually there is a procedure your local vet can do to take out a roosters voice box just like a dog. That is probably the only way to silence a noisy rooster.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

No there is no way to do that the only thing you can do so maybe you wont be so bothered by it is to put him in the coop early in the evening and don't let him out until later in the morning that way he wont be able to bother you when he crows.


Answer by  Anonymous

I just went outside and silenced mine by tying a one inch hair band around his neck. Not tight, he can still eat and drink. It worked!!

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