health conditions


Question by  Ryan50 (20)

Can you get a headache from talking on the phone too much?


Answer by  MHugabom (523)

Yes. Talking on the phone for long periods can cause stress on the neck muscles. It may also aggravate inner ear problems.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Headaches can come on sudden do to many things. Talking on the phone could cause one, particularly if it is stressful call or annoying person on other end.


Answer by  apocalv (217)

yes you can, this is due to the strain on your ears so use a handsfree if it is possible


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

Talking on the telephone causes pain by excessive noise in your ears, and possibly dehydration due to lack of intake of fluids by the person speaking on the phone. You can get a headache from both of these symptomatic issues. Check to ensure you are drinking enough and turn down the volume.

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