

Question by  LM27 (12)

Can a litter of pups have multiple fathers?


Answer by  Rincewind (239)

Yes, it's possible. It can happen easily if the female wasn't watched during her heat and was allowed to breed with several dogs.


Answer by  laila (43)

A litter of pups can have multiple fathers and sometimes this is even deliberately done by breeders. A friend of mine had a female boxer that got gang raped while she was in heat. She later delivered pups looking very different from each other. Some looked really funny but all were very cute.


Answer by  kelsey24 (20)

Yes, it is possible. Just to make it clear that 1 puppy has one mother and one father, but another puppy in the same litter could have a differnt father.


Answer by  gcmeyer2 (787)

No. I don't believe this is possible. Once a dog is pregnant they stop releasing eggs. However, check with your vet to see if there is any remote possibility.

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