reproductive health


Question by  Surendra (18)

Are cramps an indication that your period is coming?


Answer by  SammysAunt (105)

They can be an indicator of an impending period, which is quite common. Cramps can often continue throughout a period, but most are before, during premenstruation as the uterus begins to contract and shed the uterine lining. Other times, if you are mid-cycle, cramps can be from ovulation, but they are usually not as intense and don't last long.


Answer by  lunadragonfly (160)

Yes they most certainly can be. As your body prepares to shed the lining of the uterus with menstruation, the uterus may cramp and contract before bleeding actually starts.


Answer by  britt01 (292)

Yes, you may be fixing to start your period, especially if you are cramping in your lower stomach area. The can start a few days before.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

Yes, sometimes cramps can mean that you are getting your period soon. Though it could also be that your stomach is upset.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Yes, they can be. Although cramps can happen randomly throughout the month, they are more pronounced around ovulation and right before your period. It happens because your body's hormones are changing. This change in hormones causes your uterus to cramp in order to clean out the lining which is your period.

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