
 birds  pets


Question by  jessmwill (29)

Will Zebra Finches get along with Society and Spice Finches?


Answer by  Rolf (100)

Zebra Finches will not get along with Spice Finches; but they will get along with Society Finches. This is due to the fact that as their name implies, Society Finches recognize that they are a part of the Finch social milieu and treat all Finches as their equal.

posted by Anonymous
that kinda sucks because i was planning on getting 2 spices and 1 zebra... :C
are you sure that it couldnt have anything to do with their personalities? maybe they are all sweethearts and get along swimmingly! well, probably not but a dudes gotta hope!  add a comment

Answer by  ladybud (1069)

zebra and society finches will do fine together.How ever the spice finches and zebra finches are dominating specie's of a hierarchy, society finches can get along most the time with other specie's of finches,Thus they are more community minded then the zebra and spice finches.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Actually to tell you the truth they do not get along. Spice finches as the name implies are actually very aggressive and therefore putting both parties of finches together is a big no.


Answer by  ofnik (409)

Yes, there should be no problem in having them together, they should not be aggressive one towards the other as long as they have enough room and enough nesting boxes, if you are going to breed them.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Actually zebra finches are said to be very aggressive while the former is not. Therefore, you have to make sure you keep the zebra finches away from all other relatives.


Answer by  ofnik (409)

Yes, there should be no problem putting them together you just need to make sure that the cage you are going to use is big enough for the amount of finches you want to keep together.


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

Yes. In general the flock instinct in Finches is so strong they will accept any other kind of bird similar to their own size.

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