

Question by  Jenny (23)

Why is my blue poodle changing color?


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

Dogs hair color can change as a dog ages. Puppy fur becomes coarser and thicker as the dog matures. Old dogs can develop gray hair just like people do. Color changes in middle age dogs could be because of poor diet or medical conditions that require a vets attention.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Dogs will often change color as they get older. Your puppy may not be the same color now as he will be in adulthood. Your dog could even occur minor pigment changes in it's skin.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

The color of a dog's fur can change greatly as they mature. This happens most commonly when a puppy is young, from the time it's born to a few weeks old. This also happens frequently as a dog gets older, it generally becomes lighter. But a dog's color can also change at other times in its life.

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