
 eating  food  travel  why


Question by  elsewhen (627)

Why don't they have Mexican food in Europe?

I have been to a bunch of countries in Europe, and i rarely see Mexican restaurants. (although i did have a great Mexican meal at a restaurant in Vienna, Austria, but that seems to be the exception, not the rule)


Answer by  Anonymous

I have had a Mexican take out restaurant in Italy for over 4 years. We saw almost immediately that Italians were ready for an alternative. We have had great success here and are planning on expanding throughout europe. Franchises are now available. Check out the website!

Reply by philosophy (243):
best of luck with your venture... Mexican food is really good, and I think that most europeans are missing out on a great cuisine.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

I know how you feel. I'm in the Netherlands now, and what they had here was taco sauce poured on beans, corn, avocados, and lettuce. It was a sad sad meal.


Answer by  somerset (801)

Probably because there aren't too many Mexicans in Europe. It will catch on, it just needs time. People have to get used to a new cuisine.


Answer by  ConchitaPerrita (18)

There are not very many Mexican restaurants in Europe for several reasons. First, Europe is not very close to Mexico. Second, there are not many Mexican immigrants in Europe. Third, they simply must not realize how wonderful good Mexican food is. I live in Europe and would LOVE to eat a great burrito like back home in the States!

Reply by jr18craw (2):
burritos are not MEXICAN, they're from CALI  add a comment

Answer by  Tnm84 (23)

Well, they do have Mexican food in Europe but not nearly as much as in the United States. The reason for this is simple: There are much fewer Mexicans in Europe than there are in the US. Similarly there is less Arab and Turkish food in the United States compared with Europe because there are less Turks and Arabs.


Answer by  luna (100)

The Mexican food trend just hasn't caught on in European markets if there are a few they usually aren't authentic Mexican. Mexican food is considered great cuisine in Europe. Europe has the best chef's in the world and they just don't look to South America for new ideas.

Reply by jr18craw (2):
there are a few really good, and authentic mexican restaurants here in paris. now there are also those restaurants people call "mexican," which are really not mexican but more western, tex-mex type of restaurants. Burritos and chimichangas are not mexican, theyre from the us.... lol  add a comment
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