pet health


Question by  worker6721 (49)

Why does my hamster have black scabs?


Answer by  Heloise (397)

It sounds like your hamster might have parasites, or a skin infection of some kind. Also check there is nothing rough or sharp in the cage that could cause injury.


Answer by  mukeshmscit (63)

It sounds like your hamster might have parasites, or a skin infection of some kind. Also check there is nothing rough or sharp in the cage that could cause injury.


Answer by  mwalker (26)

There are several reasons. It could be that your hamster accidently injured itself or is having an allergic reaction. It is important that you treat it immediately.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Broken skin can cause these scabs. If the hamster has a cage mate they could be bitting or scratching each other.

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