


Question by  JeffD (238)

Why do people wear yellow bands on their wrist?

Which "awareness" is yellow?


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Wearing bands of any color was popularized first by the "LIVESTRONG" band. This is from Lance Armstrong's foundation, "Livestrong" which fights cancer. You can see that the name is derived by combining "Live" and "Armstrong." However, remember that yellow ribbons are remembrances of our American soldiers and other troops, and some people may wear a yellow band for this reason.


Answer by  quisqualis (1756)

The original cancer awareness band, the LiveStrong band, was yellow. The color is tied to the fact that Lance Armstrong, who introduced the band, is a cancer survivor, as well as being known for wearing the leader's yellow shirt in the Tour de France bicycle race. Now various bands are popular for cancer awareness.

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