
 cats  why


Question by  kandscreeley (10)

Why do cats knead?


Answer by  Liz (83)

Kittens knead their mother when nursing to stimulate milk flow to the nipples. Older cats will continue this behavior when they are warm and cozy as a throwback to their kittenhood. You will notice it at times when they are curled up on your lap or on their favorite blanket or pillow.


Answer by  Jenna (587)

From my understanding there are a few reasons this happens. One is that kittens would knead their mother's stomachs when they were ready to feed (and the habit sticks around because you, as their owner, are like their mother). Also, kneading may help them feel relief by extracting their claws.


Answer by  PaintedRoadkill (504)

When cats are born they will knead their mother's stomach to get the milk from her teats. Sometimes they will do this as a form of comfort. Even when older this action takes place on a favorite blanket, or even on a person. It is a way of showing comfort and contentment.


Answer by  MzKitty (273)

This is a bed-making or nesting instinct that once would have gathered material for warmth and made them more comfortable.

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