where to find


Question by  phelips (14)

Where in Windows XP will I find the Local Computer Policy?


Answer by  BubbaGump71 (21)

This is a "secret" setting usually reserved for system administrators and the like. Go to start > run and in the box type gpedit. msc and then hit return -- this should bring up the Group Policy editor. After which, it should be a trivial task to edit any of the local group policies.


Answer by  apnroiotpi (38)

In the 'start' menu select 'run' anD type 'gpedit. msc' without quotes. in this window you can change or make new policy according to your requirements. the path in this window to local policy is "windows settings\security settings\local policies". the wrong settings in local policies will cause improper working of the softwares.


Answer by  lycurgus (13)

The Local Computer Policy, which can be used to set policies for passwords, can be found in the gpedit. msc utility (Start -> Run -> "gpedit. msc") under Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Local Policies.

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