

Question by  hash007 (27)

What should I know about trees near the foundation of my home?


Answer by  lmath629 (402)

Trees too close to a foundation can grow big enough to cause cracks in the foundation. Termites in the roots can destroy wood. Tree roots can also invade sewer pipes.


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

Growing tree roots can damage your home's foundation. This is why it is important to plant trees at least eight feet away from your foundation.


Answer by  katherineagmailcom (140)

Try to avoid trees that you expect to get really large near your foundation. Remember for as big as the branches/canopy is, the roots are about equal.


Answer by  Tracy74 (229)

Roots of trees by the house a dangerous and can hurt your foundation, and break your pipes. This can cost you lots of money in repairs.

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