what to do


Question by  muffinx1 (232)

What should I do if my neighbor cut vines from my fence?

They were my vines and my fence. I was growing grapes.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

You can talk to them civilly and tell them that you were trying to grow grapes and tell them to ask you before they start cutting around the fence. If they do not want to discuss it civilly, you could remind them that they are being destructive to your property and that you can involve the law if need be.


Answer by  SMS4415 (343)

Confront you neighbor nicely about the situation. Were the grapes growing on your side, or your neighbor's side? Make it clear that you want to be rectified for this situation and try to work something out. Let him or her know that next time, they should confront you first.

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