pet health


Question by  turker (142)

What should I do for my lhasa apso that won't eat?


Answer by  simplyellie (89)

Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible to inform him/her of the recent changes in your pet's routine and see if they have any advice for you. Consider mixing in a small amount of wet food if you feed your pet dry food to try and entice them.


Answer by  ppremise (200)

There are several things that you can try to encourage your dog to eat. If you have been using the same food continuously try switching, go from wet to dry, or pick different flavors, or a mix of both. You can also try mixing in things like cheese.


Answer by  AmirLuskyTinyBoy (229)

When our dog didn't eat, we hand fed her at first, but then your dog might want you to hand feed all the time, so we just left her with food a lot and eventually she ate. Give treats if the dog still isn't eating after a while.


Answer by  Serafinah (232)

Assuming that you've checked with your vet as for the cause of his/her not eating, I've always found that rice and a little hamburger is a good way to get a dog to be interested in food again.

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