

Question by  michelle (29)

What should I do about my husband who is a workaholic?


Answer by  SammyScooter (136)

Coordinate a no work time. If your husband is having difficulty separating work and family life, it's important to have a no-work time. Ask your husband to schedule time exclusively for you and the family and have him turn off work related devices, so there are no distractions.


Answer by  EchoC (553)

Talk with him during a time that is a relaxed and stress-free time for you both. Calmly discuss the issue with him openly and try to learn why it is he is working so hard. Once the reasons are in the open, brainstorm fixes and compromises for each individual reason.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Find out why he wants to be at work instead of at home. If that is his escape from home, make home (and perhaps the family) better.


Answer by  Anonymous

One thing I have learned is that men don't change so love him or leave him. I've tried everything else and nothing works.

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