health treatments


Question by  huskerlady75 (22)

What over the counter medication is good for a bladder infection?


Answer by  heavensent (241)

Azo-Standard is an OTC medication for a bladder infection but it can never cure as it only helps to alleviate the discomfort. Another way to prevent and treat bladder infection is by drinking cranberry juice which is also readily available. An infection is only treatable by prescribed antibiotics.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

Cystex and Unistat are two medications. Another one is Azo Standard. They relieve the pain and discomfort. The herb goldenseal has antibiotic qualities and may help with this infection. None of these options cure the illness. If it doesn't clear up, the best thing to do is to see your doctor.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

If you have a bladder infection you must see a doctor. The doctor will have you take a urine test to determine if it is in fact a bladder infection. There are no over the counter treatments that will effectively heal the infection, you will be prescribed antibiotics. Cranberry juice is said to help,but it won't heal the infection.


Answer by  RebeccaJane (13)

I'm not quite sure about medications per se but I am often afflicted with bladder infections because of my breaks at work. I use Cranberry juice such as minute maid or ocean spray cocktail juices but ginger ale is also a good option!

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