

Question by  cimbr916 (34)

What kind of illnesses is Levaquin prescribed for?

It's an antibiotic.


Answer by  kak (488)

Levquine is used to treat the following illnesses: pneumonia, bronchitis, anthrax, and bacterial infections of the sinuses, kidneys, bladder,skin and prostate.


Answer by  janeff72 (29)

Levaquin is prescribed to treat pneumonia and bronchitis.It is also used to treat sinus,urinary tract, kidney, prostate, and skin infections. It is also used to cure anthrax. It can sometimes be used to treat endocarditis, tuberculosis,and plague. Levaquin has some very serious side effects ranging from vomitting to a more serious side effect: death.


Answer by  Kath (1537)

Yes - Levaquin is an antibotic, and is prescribed for many baterial infections, including byt not limited to sinus infections, urianry tract infections, pneumonia and bronchitis. There is not yet a generic for this medication, so it can be expensive.


Answer by  HUNM25 (713)

It's usually prescribed for anthrax, pneumonia, bladder and kidney problems as well. Sometimes it is also prescribed for skin diseases.

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