health treatments


Question by  Leverenz (41)

What is the treatment for areata and fungus?


Answer by  rebel10 (58)

Typically, injections of corticosteriods into the scalp area every 4 to 6 weeks is commonly used as treatment for alopecia areata. Rogaine is sometimes used in addition to the injections. Another option is contact immunotherapy. PUVA, Psoralen with ultraviolet A liight is also used as treatment. However, it is typically used in patients with large affected areas.


Answer by  dukedawg (29)

You should go to the pharmacy at your local drug store. Grab a tube of antifungal cream. You should apply this to the affected area once in the morning, and once at night. Do not shower within 1-2 hour of putting the cream on. Also, applying salt the fungus can help as well.


Answer by  jalucia (936)

For less severe conditions, steroid injections (injected every 4-6 weeks), topical Minoxidil or prescription steroid creams. For more severe, there's short contact anthralin treatment(Micanol) and, the most successful, contact hypersensitization,

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