

Question by  coolbreeze (13)

What is the treatment for a puppy with parvo?


Answer by  nan (19)

The treatment for puppies that contract parvo is to first get them to the vet. The vet will determine which parvo the puppy has and will start measures for hydration and to stop the diarrhea. The puppy will be in the hsopital a few days. Also a de-worm medication is given when better.


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

This very serious virus often causes death, even with prompt treatment. There is no cure, so vets support the animal with fluids and antibiotics until the illness runs its course.


Answer by  cpncrash (424)

Lots of fluids. There is an at home parvo treatment if you cannot afford to leave your puppy at the vet it is called Parvaid you have to administer every hour for 24-48 hrs depending on the severity and when the puppy starts eating and drinking without vomiting.


Answer by  preetha (49)

There are some basic that may or may not help puppies with parvo. They are fluid therapy, anitbiotics, control of nausea and monitoring. Treating them at home may not be a good idea. Intense treatment needs to be provided, which includes IV/or sub-cutaneous fluids and antibiotics.There is no cure for it. However the Vets can only treat palliatively.


Answer by  Teresa32 (314)

Parvo is a virus that attacks the intestines. Treatment can consist of a regiment of antibiotics, fluids and soft food diets. Parvo is highly contagious and your puppy should be vaccinated as soon as possible.


Answer by  Teresa32 (314)

Parvo is an intestinal disease that can kill puppies. Antibiotics are given to the pup and it is best to have your pup vaccinated as soon as possible

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