

Question by  ichyedad (2)

What is the proper treatment for oak tree with blotches of dead leaves caused by some type of worm or insect?


Answer by  dee68 (244)

You must remove the branches in question. then treat the affected tree with a fungicide or pesticide not too exclude trees in the surrounding area.


Answer by  subash (67)

Rake up and remove infected leaves in the fall. Thinning will improve air movement and promote faster drying of the leaves. If fertilizer is needed, fertilize in the fall about a month after the average date of the first frost or in early spring about a month before the date of the last frost to increase tree vigor.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

This tree will probably need to be removed. It is dying. Usually this starts with the leaves and then goes into the limbs and eventually the tree.


Answer by  KateEidson (33)

You must first identify the pest for proper treatment. Some common Oak pests to consider are Gypsy moth catapillers, and the Oak wilt fungus. The size of the tree will also determine the proper treatment. A good place to start is by consulting with your local cooperative extension service, qulified arboist, or experinced landscape professional.


Answer by  mani (813)

Fungi are mostly common agent in the roll of causing diseases to oak. Fungicidal mixture can be used for treating oak trees for disease or decline caused by the fungus. Many other diseases also affect oaks. Some of these pathogens will produce symptoms similar to those of SOD. The armillaria infection may produce similar bleeding symptoms like SOD.


Answer by  Joan32 (8)

First of all you must remove the branches so that it does not spread. Then treat the tree and the nearby ones with a pesticide. And make sure to rake up and remove the infected leaves.


Answer by  puru (5)

The oak tree should be treated by an insecticide like D. D. T. or B. H. C. Spraying these compounds on tree leaves will eliminate any worms or insects.


Answer by  tacmedic (34)

The first step is to figure out what type of insect is causing the problems, then you can consult with your local extension office for the best solution.

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