

Question by  apple (447)

What is the origin of birthday candles?

Where did that tradition start? Why do we blow them out?


Answer by  Desine (427)

Nobody knows. What we do know is that the tradition can be traced back to 18th-century Germany, where a child's birthday party (called a Kinderfest) resembled a modern one.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

It is actually Greek in origin. They were placed on cakes as a blessing to the Gods. A wish could be sent to heaven that way.


Answer by  astroasis (102)

Putting candles in cakes started as birthday offerings for the Goddess Artemis in ancient Greece. It's believed that blowing them out sends your wish to the heavens.


Answer by  Anonymous

I actually heard that they were a Greek ritual. Blowing the candles out were in some sort of deference to the gods.


Answer by  JamesPorter (63)

The Germans placed large candles in their cakes to represent the light of life and believed the smoke from blowing it out carried their wishes to the gods


Answer by  lauraa (83)

The 18th century in Germany is where the Western tradition of adding birthday candles to a birthday cake began. But the mixing of cakes and birthday celebrations dates back to the Ancient Romans.

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