

Question by  MKourah (10)

What is the highest resolution microscope and how do I get one?


Answer by  Jenn09 (176)

The highest resolution microscope currently available is the "transition electron microscope (TEM)". Currently the highest resolution achieved is equal to 0. 5 angstroms by the scientists at the National Center for Electron Microscopy at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. Purchasing a TEM will cost several hundred thousand dollars, and sample preparation will also cost a considerable additional amount.


Answer by  MzVickie (186)

People, at home,can get oil emersion microscopes through a sceintific supply catalogue. I don't think you can buy an electron microscope for private use. You could probally see one in a teaching hospital. It uses electrons to increase the magnification power. My favorite microscope for kids is the water drop microscope. A drop of water in a small circle magnifies

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